A product of filash.io

Fast Cloud File Explorer - The Ark of Cloud Storages.


The principle thought for designing filashArk is to allow people to share, collaborate and manage files with team members in the most intuitive way, which makes collaboration the fundamental infrastructure upon which file operations can be done as if you are still just using Windows File Explorer.

Cloud File Explorer + Messaging is the main idea but filashArk elevates it to a whole new level.

The desktop app is needed to unlock all the magic spells.

  • Users

  • • Users can be self registered with email addresses or invited by team members with a invite link. Team members can then be added to private channels.

    • There are such roles as system admin/user, team admin/user and channel admin/user. System admin can modify the system wide settings including the messaging permissions.

  • Storages

  • • The system admin needs to configure the system wide default Filash Storage in System Console so that team members can create channels with the Filash File Explorer. The Filash Storage can be either local or S3 compatible such as AWS S3, Minio or Wasabi and etc.

    • Team members can add own Filash Storage and create channels with it, namely BYO Filash Storage, BYO known as Bring Your Own. BYO Filash Storage servers are Filash Lightning/Legend/League server and can be hosted either on publich, or company/home ethernet.

    • Note that only Filash Lightning/Legend/League server with either local or S3 compatible storages can be added to filashArk.

  • Teams

  • • Team is the main organizational unit to orgnize messaging, files and other resources and members collaborate either within the team or across multiple teams.

  • Channels

  • • There are a few type of channels including public channel, system private channel, Bring Your Own (BYO) Filash Storage private channel, local channel, direct channel and self channel.

    • The public channel is open to all the current team members for discussions, but with no Filash File Explorer, no file storage.

    • The system private channel is one of the two types of private channels that has Filash File Explorer with the system configured Filash storage.

    • The Bring Your Own Filash Storage private channel is the other type of private channel that has BYO Filash Storage.

    • Local channels are created with either a local path or a mounted path on the local desktop/laptop. Note that only the desktop app can explorer the files in local channels.

    • Direct channels are created between two system users with no Filash Storage.

    • Self channel is a special direct channel that the two users are both yourself, and it has the local Filash Storage pointing to the download location that can be configured in desktop app. The Download menu button downloads files directly to this channel. Note that only the desktop app can explorer the files in the self channel.

  • Messages

  • • Channel users can send messages in all channels either with or without file operations. Messages can be searched, people can be mentioned in the message and tags can be included to mark particular file operations. Note that with empty message, file operations cannot be sent.

  • Operations

  • • There are generally three types of file operations, transfer, share and delete, plus the Filter, Search, New Folder and Get Info that do not generate messages.

    • Transfer operations are Copy, Copy as, Cut (move), Cut as (rename), Download, Download to and Trash. Note that Trash is the file operation that for local and self channel, it moves the file/folder to the system trash bin directly with no message, but for other private channels it initiates a Cut (move) to ./filash/trash.

    • Share is a file operation that channel users share files or folders to anywhere either in the same channel or any other channel. People who is shared with the file can copy/download it. Share operations have expiration and the owner of the operation can change the expiration anytime including expire it right now.

    • Delete operations are to delete the files/folders in the current channel.

    • Transfer and Delete operations can be aborted by the owner, and successful operations can be repeated by the owner.

    • Multiple filters seperated by space can be applied to the current folder in the explorer. File name, type, size and modified type can be filtered.

    • The channel user can search files with patterns under particular folder and do any file operations on the search results.

    • Users can create new folders in the current folder.

    • Users can Get Info the total number of files and folders as well as the total size of the folder

  • Permissions

  • • When private channels are being created, users have the chance to choose the Filash file permissions including list, find, read, write, delete.

  • Files - Filash File Explorer

  • • The default view of private channels is the Filash Cloud File Explorer in which files of the current folder are listed and users can operate on particular files.

  • There is a lot of more interesting features, please spend a few seconds to register on demo.filashark.io and download the desktop app to Explore The Cloud Files and enjoy the Filash file transfers.